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Why Particle Physicists Are Curious About This Incon sistency Scientists have not conclusively spotted any particles because the Higgs boson, which has some people concerned - there are tons of different physics puzzles staying, a lot of which might necessitate the existence of a new particle to solve. But lately, there have been some tantalising indications of new physics, possibly a new particle, that lots of scientists have been excited about. More " Look for'fake cops' after motorist has been'pulled over and bashed' Police are searching for a man who disguised himself as a police officer at a violent effort to steal money from a motorist at Melbourne's northwest. It is thought a 25-year-old guy was driving a gray ute west Wood Street, Preston, when he noticed that a dark Holden Commodore after him. Shortly afterwards, the Commodore triggered bogus police officers, prompting the ute driver to pull over. The offender subsequently approached the ...